D4.3 Building a Sustainable Future: European Forest Monitoring and Governance Structures for LULUCF
Europe’s forests are essential to the region’s environmental health, providing numerous benefits such as carbon storage, biodiversity, and resources for industries. However, with the rising pressures of climate change and land-use change, effective forest monitoring and governance have become critical to safeguarding these natural assets. As the PathFinder project, we have made significant strides in […]
PathFinder Milestone 1: Advanced Field Measurements
The development of our PathFinder project is marked by six major milestones that when reached, highlight important steps of the project, and we are happy to announce that we have completed our first milestone “Advanced Field Measurements”. Within the project, our first milestone falls under the task of developing new approaches for improved and transparent […]
About the Newsletter
Our first project newsletter has been published and is available here: https://mailchi.mp/elo.org/pathfindernewsletter1 In this newsletter, we present the project, the work that we are doing, latest developments, the international partners of the project, and also what was discussed at the transnational meetings. The project will be publishing several newsletters throughout the years of the project. […]
PathFinder, a scientific response to a political project
PathFinder aims at understanding carbon fluxes in EU forests to guide EU policy making and implementation. This overall aim is articulated around four main objectives: (1) developing a composite forest monitoring method to (2) map forest carbon fluxes, and eventually design (3) future forest management scenarios and (4) pathway assessment system. These objectives, operationalised by […]
Welcome to PathFinder!
Welcome to the first blog post of the PathFinder project, where you will be able to find monthly updates on various aspects of the project, allowing to go more in-depth. In this blog post, we present more on what the project is about and how its work is divided. About PathFinder PathFinder is a Horizon […]